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Transmission Network

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Transmission medium is a medium that can be used to transmit information from one place to another. In a network, all media that can distribute electricity or electromagnetic waves or light can be used as the sender of the media, both for sending and receiving data. Choice of transmission media (the sender) for the purposes of data communication depends on several factors, such as price, network performance is desired, whether or not the medium.

A. Copper Media
Copper media is all the media data transmissions are made of copper. People usually refer to the name of the cable. Data sent over the wire, it's the electric signals (voltage or current) digital.
The types of cables used for data transmission on the network:
1. Coaxial Cable
These cables are often used as an antenna cable TV. Known also as cable BNC (Bayonet Naur Connector). These cables are cable's most widely used on the LAN, since it has protection against higher noise, inexpensive, and able to transmit data with standard speed.
There are four types of coaxial cable, namely:
• Thinnet or RG-58 (10Base2)

 • Thicknet or RG-8 (10Base5).

• RG-59

• RG-6

There are three types of connectors on coaxial cable, that is, T connectors, I connector (socket) and BNC connectors. The advantage of using coaxial cable is less expensive than fiber optic cable and quite far-reaching range of cable types UTP / STP using repeaters as reinforcements. The drawback is difficult at the time of installation, both the connector and cable installation. For now the coaxial cable is no longer recommended intuk network installation.

2. Twisted-Pair cable
Twisted Pair consists of two types:

 STP cable (Shielded Twisted Pair)
The advantage of using STP cable is more resistant to interference from electromagnetic waves both from within and from outside. The drawback is expensive, difficult at the time of installation (especially the grounding problem), and the distance range is only 100m.
UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair)
The advantages of using UTP cable is cheap and easy to install. The drawback is vulnerable to electromagnetic wave interference, and distance range is only 100m.
There are several categories for Twisted Pair cable, namely:
• Category 1 (Cat-1).
Generally use standard AWG solid conductors as much as 22 or 24 pin with a wide impedance range. Used in telephone connections and not recommended for data transmission.
• Category 2 (Cat-2).
Impedance range is wide, often used in PBX systems and alarm systems. ISDN data transmission using the cable category 2, with a maximum bandwidth of 1 MBps.
• Category 3 (Cat-3).
Often called voice grade cable, use a solid conductor as many as 22 or 24 pin with impedance of 100 Ω and serves up to 16 MBps. Can be used for 10BaseT and Token Ring network with a bandwidth of 4 Mbps.
• Category 4 (Cat-4).
As category 3 with a bandwidth of 20 MBps, Token Ring network is applied to a bandwidth of 16 Mbps.
• Category 5 (Cat-5).
Twisted Pair Cable is the best (data grade) with a bandwidth of 100 Mbps and the maximum transmission range of 100 m.

B. Optical Media

There are three types of fiber optic cable that is normally used, ie single mode, multi mode optical fiber and plastic that serves as a hint of light from the cable end to the other cable end. From the transmitter ^ receiver, which converts electronic pulses into light and vice versa, in the form of light-emitting laser diodeataupun. Single mode fiber optic cable is a single glass fiber with a diameter of 8.3 to 10 micrometers, have one type of transmission that can deliver large-capacity data at high speeds for long distances, and requires a light source with a smaller width of the spectrum. Cable capabilities in delivering the type of single mode transmission is 50 times faster than multimode cable types, because it has a smaller core so as to eliminate any distortion and overlapping light pulses.

  Multimode fiber optic cable is made of fiberglass with a larger diameter, ie 50 to 100 micrometers that can deliver large-capacity data at high speed to medium range. If the distance is more than 3000 feet, the signal distortion will occur at the receiver side which resulted in transmission of data to be inaccurate. Medium plastic optical'fiber is the latest plastic-based cable which ensures the same level of performance with glass fiber in a short distance with a much cheaper cost. Currently, fiber optic cable has been used as a standard physical layer dalambiding data or telecommunications networks, such as cable TV devices, as well as security systems that use Closed Circuit Television (CCTV), etc. The basic ingredients of optical media is glass with a very small size (micron scale). Usually known as fiber optic cables (fiber optic). The data is passed in this medium in the form of light (laser or infrared).
Single fiber optic cable consists of two fibers, one function for Transmit (Tx) and one for Receive (Rx) so that communication with the fiber optic can occur both directions simultaneously (full duplex).
C. Wireless Network
Are now widely used wireless network (wireless network), data transmission using infrared rays or microwaves to deliver data. Although it sounds practical, but the obstacles faced here is the problem of distance, bandwidth, and high cost. However, for the needs of the LAN in the building, the current wireless technology already developed for the Active Hub (Wireless Access Point) and the Wireless LAN Card (NIC replacement), so that it can reduce the chaotic cable data transmission on computer networks. Wireless Access Point can also be combined (up-link) with ActiveHub of the existing network.
   Wireless transmission media using high-frequency radio waves. Usually the electromagnetic waves with a frequency of 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. Digital data sent over wireless will be modulated into these electromagnetic waves.


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