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understanding of LAN (local area networking)

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LAN describes a network that reaches a limited area, such as a single office building, where the computer that has network is physically adjacent to one another. A large LAN for example on an office or corporate complex, where it can be separated into multiple workgroup to further facilitate manejemennya. In this case, a workgroup comprised of user who do share the same resources, such as files, printers and application programs. For example, on a LAN of a company you can create a workgroup to different departments, such as sales, finance, human resources. The distance is approximately up to 10 km.
Advantages jaingan LAN is
1. Exchange of files (file sharing)
2. Use the printer can be done by all clients (printer sharing)
3. The data files can be stored on the server, so it can be accessed from any client securities according to the authorization of all employees, which can be made based on the company's organizational structure so that data security is assured.
4. Data files in / out from / to the server can be controlled
5. The process of backing up data quick and easy
6. The risk of losing data by a computer virus becomes very small
7. Communication between employees can be done using email and chat


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