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Understanding FTP Server

After posting yesterday about hacking in google and will now continue with a discussion of server technology. Yesterday I've talked about the web server, DNS, and DHCP well now I will discuss about the FTP server.

FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. FTP consists of a client and a server which is an application that provides access / exchange of data transfer between two computers (client and server). Transfer the file / data can occur between the form of mainframe computers and a computer on a local network. Or data transfer can occur from our computer to an FTP server via the internet. FTP is an application that is very useful (powerful) because this application provides access to the visitor or user to access data stored on those servers, and can be accessed by a large number of computers simultaneously.

The process that occurs in the FTP 
Broadly speaking, the process of transfer of data or files on the FTP has two grooves.
The first path is the process of transferring data from local computer (your computer) to a computer server (remote computer) that provides access to ftp, this process is known as the UPLOAD, while the data transfer process from the server computer (remote to local computer (your computer) is called DOWNLOAD process.

Below is its plot: 
Forms FTP
Two kinds of FTP based on its access rights:
1. FTP Users 
Ftp means that FTP user can access and has permission only in the limit only for certain users. Because the ftp user supplied an access authentication if we are going into it.
The format of the FTP user is:
ftp://user @ host.domain 
2. Anonymous FTP 
Means anonymous FTP, anonymous FTP provided / no name, in other words, FTP can be accessed by anyone and usually without a password, or if the requested password. Usually the server asks for our email address as his password for ferivikasi.
FTP Server 
FTP Server is a computer server that provides FTP access to the Intranet (local) or Internet (global).
Kind - kind of builder software FTP server:


FTP Client 
FTP client is a device used to transfer files in the Internet environment using a standard FTP (File Transfer Protocol). File transfer process in the Internet environment is almost the same as the transfer process in a DOS environment, it's just that there are some advantages.
There is a FTP Client (installed) on our computer, and can do ftp to the server process that provides FTP access (FTP-server).
Kind - kind of FTP Client:
- FTP Client Under Windows: 

Cute FTP.
Get Right
Go! Zilla
Coffe Cup

- FTP Client Under UNIX: 


- FTP Client Under DOS (MS-DOS Prompt) 

Commands - Basic commands FTP 
Some commands (command) is frequent and is in need by the user in performing the ftp process is sepertidi below:
• Open to start ftp and connect to the server from the ftp prompt ftp.
• nlist, dir, ls lists of files - files that exist on the ftp server.
• cd move the directory hierarchy in the directory ftp-server.
• pwd provide information to the user / client in active directory where he is on the ftp-server.
• lls, lcd, lpwd commands used to provide information to kitadi active directory where we are on the local computer.
• get command is used to retrieve the file (download) from the ft-server to the local computer.
• Put this command is used if we want to put (upload) data to the ftp-server, from our computer to the server computer.
• mput / mget command is similar to the get and put but is used when we want to take and put some data directly.
• set the prompt in an interactive prompt; "on" is a more secure form of prompt, in this mode every multiple commands in verification, "off" in a fashion such orders inisetiap doubt.
• ascii / binary transfer data in ascii file format (text) or binary (compiled in machine language).
• quit and decided to end the ftp connection from our computer to the server computer (Connection Loss).


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