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Security Network

Hello friends, how are you today. Still his passion for learning network, although his post before I give you some computer prank and hacking software. Well now I will continue my learning about networking. Next post will discuss security and other tissues.

  • What Is Network Security

One thing to keep in mind that no network is anti-tapping or no computer network that is completely safe. The nature of the communication network is doing. Any communication to fall into the hands of others and misused. Security systems to help secure the network without impeding its use and place of anticipation when the network successfully penetrated. Also, make sure that the user in the network have sufficient knowledge about security and make sure that they accept and understand the safety plans that you create. If they do not understand it, then they will create a hole (holes) security on your network.

There are two main elements forming the network security:
Wall of security, both physical and virtual, are placed between the devices and network services used and the people who would do evil.
security plan, which will be implemented along with other users, to keep the system can not be penetrated from outside.

Defined the security aspects of these five points.
a. Confidentiality Require that information (data) can only be accessed by parties who have authority.
b. Integrity Require that information can only be changed by the parties who have authority.
c. Availability Require that information available to parties who have authority when needed.
d. Require that a sender authentication information can be correctly identified and no guarantee that the identity obtained is not fake.
e. Nonrepudiation Requiring that both the sender and recipient can not deny the sending and receiving messages.

Attack (disorder) to the security can be categorized into four main categories:
a. Interruption
An asset of a system being attacked so become unavailable or can not be used by the authorities. An example is the destruction / modification of hardware or network channels.
b. Interception
An unauthorized party gaining access to an asset. Parties are meant to be a person, program, or other systems. Examples are the intercepts of the data in a network.
c. Modification
An unauthorized party can make changes to an asset. An example is the change in value in the data file, modify the program so it runs with improperly, and the modification of message being transmitted in the network.
d. Fabrication
An unauthorized party inserts counterfeit objects into the system.
An example is sending false messages to others.

principles that should be avoided in dealing with security issues:
 silent and all will be fine.
 hidden and they will not be able to find you.
 technology used complex / intricate means safe.

So much only friend this post. His next post will discuss what features can prevent the attack of evil from the outside or inside. Spirit to be creative.


Nightlionsecurity said...

Very Informative..!! Network security is a specialized field in computer networking that involves securing a computer network infrastructure.

Network Security

Unknown said...

Thanks for defining about network security. After learning all about it I wanted to know the various tools and strategies which are used to safeguard information on a network.
e-sign act

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