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For this post I will discuss about the IGP vs. EGP. and conclusions of the routing protocols that have been discussed in previous posts.

Interior routing protocol designed for networks that are controlled by an organization. Design criteria for interior routing protocols to find the best path on the network.

While the exterior routing protocols are designed for use between two different networks are controlled by two different organizations. Commonly used between ISPs in an ISP or between ISPs with the company. For example, a company run BGP as an exterior routing protocol between the router company with the ISP router. IP exterior gateway protocols require three settings the following information before the router can be used:
- List of neighboring routers to exchange routing information
- The list of networks to advertise as a sign of the network can be achieved directly
- Number of autonomous system from the local router
Exterior routing protocol should isolate the autonomous system. autonomous system governed by a different administration. The network must have a protocol for communication between different systems earlier.

routing protocols interior / exterior

Each AS shall have 16-bit identification number, issued by ARIN or providers to use routing protocols such as IGRP and EIGRP.

- Routing is the process of passing the router packet to the destination network.
- Routing protocol is the communication used between routers.
- Routing protocol allows a router to share information with other routers on the network that he knew and the best path to that network.
- Routing algorithm can be classified two categories, distance vector or link-state.
- Autonomous System (AS) adalakh a collection of networks within a single administrative control.


Shamim Akhtar said...

its good...........

Rasul Mansur said...

Wat abt hybrid algorithm?Did u misd it?

Unknown said...

Nice one yaar....u almost saved me from messy answers.
Thanks a Lot amigo :)

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